Who Are We


Learn more about background of the organisation and explore how to engage with us. We also provide a catalogue of action research PhD holders, news and reports on our events and activities. Feel free to browse the website to further explore how to become a member and the benefits of joining our organisation.


We are an action research organisation that aims to promote and advance action research as a legitimate philosophy and methodology in Malaysia, providing encouragement and support for action researchers at all levels to conduct rigorous and evidence-based work.

Executive Board

Our executive board includes committee members and secretariat committees. Committee members are selected every three years through our AGM. Secretariat committees are appointed voluntarily to facilitate administrative work in our organisation. We are all passionate about action research and willing to help members as much as possible.

PhD Holders

We provide a catalogue of action research PhD holders as a resource for postgraduates who wish to be inspired and to carry out research projects in this area. This catalogue is also intended to be a resource for academics to engage with members of the organisation.

International Network

We were inspired by international action research organisations from around the world, and continue to engage with international action research to strengthen our organisation. Our aim is to collaborate with foreign and international action research organisations for the advancement of MARNet.

News and Updates

Don't miss our news and updates about the organisation and action research. Our team carefully curate and produce news and updates, and we take pride in what we do. We also invite our members to write news and updates for our organisation, which are published regularly


If you are a passionate action researcher, you should consider joining our organisation. We are the only scholarly level of action research organisation in Malaysia. We aim to strengthen professional relationships and bring together action research practitioners in Malaysia from various professions, educational levels and backgrounds.