Who We Are

We are the only scholarly action research organisation in Malaysia

The Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) was rooted in 2020, during the course of a Pandemic Pedagogy Action Research Project. This project was initiated at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with the aim of inculcating an action research culture among educators in Malaysia to overcome teaching and learning challenges. Hundreds of educators benefitted from the project, which comprised a series of action research workshops and webinars. The project also mentored nine educators from the beginning to the end of their action research studies. The project was ethically approved by the Educational Planning and Research Division (EPRD), Ministry of Education, Malaysia and partially supported by the Susan Noffke Action Research Foundation. Feel free to explore the following publications of the project.

In July 2021, for the first time in history, nine Malaysian scholars convened in a meeting to discuss action research issues in Malaysia, including the way action research is perceived. All agreed that there is a need for an ‘organisation’ that supports action researchers in Malaysia. As a result, a motion was put forward to propose that MARNet be officially registered as an association under the Societies Act, 1966. On the 2nd of September 2021, the Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) was officially established as a non-profit and non-affiliated organisation.

MARNet's Vision

The Malaysian Action Research Network (MARNet) aims to promote and advance action research as a legitimate philosophy and methodology in Malaysia, providing encouragement and support for action researchers at all levels to conduct rigorous and evidence-based work. The following 16 MARNet’s purposes and objectives are central to MARNet’s vision:

To strengthen professional relationships and bring together action research practitioners in Malaysia from various professions, educational levels and backgrounds.

To promote action research as a legitimate research philosophy and methodology in line with the aims and objectives of action research introduced by the world’s leading action research scholars.

To advocate for action research as a means of developing and advancing national education, by improving practitioners’ capability of leading social change projects.

To cultivate action research among practitioners in Malaysia to enhance self-professional practice that can have a transformative impact on human development.

To organise and conduct programmes, talks, workshops, seminars and courses to allow practitioners to understand action research.

To create an academic and professional discussion platform among practitioners to discuss the philosophy and methodology of action research.

To encourage the development of knowledge, skills and advancement through personal development programmes, talks, workshops, seminars and courses.

To organise and conduct academic and professional conferences at the national and international levels as a medium for disseminating research.

To encourage members of the organisation to write books related to action research to be published as reference material and guidance for action research practitioners.

To process and handle action research manuscripts written by members for publication in high-impact journals.

To provide and award research grants that can assist practitioners in conducting and disseminating their action research.

To offer gifts and awards to members in appreciation of their services and contributions to the organisation and the development of action research.

To collaborate with foreign and international action research organisations for the advancement of the organisation.

To collaborate with other agencies and registered organisations to exchange views and cooperate in ongoing plans.

To organise and intensify social and recreational activities among the members of the organisation to strengthen professional relationships and maintain the collaborative cooperation of the organisation.

To preserve the interests and success of members and organise other activities that are in line with the objectives of the organisation, as well as the country's laws.

MARNet Logo

The MARNet logo uses the letters M, A, R, N, e and t which is an acronym for the Malaysian Action Research Network (1). The circles on the letter A illustrate the philosophy and methodology of action research, which highlights cycles as a guide for systematically conducting research (2). The blue colour in the logo reflects peace and harmony as the core value of MARNet, encouraging scholars of various races and religions to become members, as well as celebrating the diversity of paradigms and philosophies (3). The red colour reflects MARNet’s determination to re-engineer action research as a legitimate research philosophy and methodology in Malaysia (4).